Showing posts with label Normal edit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Normal edit. Show all posts

Monday, November 21, 2011

Word 2010 Normal template setup

New Word document will open with the setup of the Normal template. Change the Normal template to your personal preferences setup such as font type, font size, view ruler, etc. then after every new document will be opened with your personal setup.

To open and edit the Normal template, find the template file, right click on the file and click Edit (in Word 2010) or Open (in Word 2003). Make sure that the template file was opened and not a new document, by reading the file extension at the top bar.

In Word 2010 the file name of the Normal template is Normal.dotx
In Word 2003 the file name of the Normal template is

In Windows 7 the Normal template is located at:

In Windows XP the Normal template is located at:
C:\Documents and Settings\user_name\Application Data\Microsoft\Templates